Hey there, and thanks for stopping by! I'm Alexandra, founder of The Adulting Journals.
I'm 18 years old, and am on my way to completing my EMT certification with the goal of eventually becoming a paramedic with the fire department or a private ambulance service in Phoenix.
My love for writing began early on with silly poems about the neighborhood cats and short stories describing my childhood home. Over the years this has grown into several collections of poetry, short stories, and novels in the making, as well as a love for journaling. I'm passionate about putting out work that I am proud of, and that I enjoyed creating.
Aside from writing, I've also thrown myself into numerous hobbies over the years. I've always had a special place in my heart for music, nearing my eighth year playing clarinet, and have more recently picked up guitar and piano. I also took up figure skating as an adult beginner two years ago, and have since enjoyed the journey of learning new jumps and spins, as well as the diverse and welcoming community of adult skaters I've had the pleasure of interacting with.
In creating The Adulting Journals, I was reminiscing over what I imagined being 18 would be like when I was around 14 years old. At 14, I never would have imagined I'd be working towards a paramedic certification, meeting the incredible firefighters and medics from my area, and on my way to serving my community in such a meaningful way. And I continue to wonder what the future has in store for me, in comparison to what I'm expecting my future to look like at the moment.
It was with this thought in mind that I dreamed up The Adulting Journals. With the idea of taking my personal journaling journey and turning it into something I can share with a broader audience, I decided that a blog was the end goal I had in mind.
My hope is that with The Adulting Journals, I can help other young people navigate the challenges they are faced as they shift from teen to young adulthood and beyond. The transition into college for me has been new and exciting, but also scary and a little overwhelming at times. With my blog, I'd like to help my readers to find their feet, and simply to feel a little less alone.
To start out, The Adulting Journals will mostly be a personal blog documenting my experiences as I complete my schooling and begin looking for work in my field, as well as my day to day life and stories I have to tell.
However, I'd also like to hear what you guys have to say, be it stories, advice, interests, or hobbies, which is why I've created the Public category in my blog! Here you will be allowed to submit your own posts to The Adulting Journals to foster a sense of community and belonging. Please visit the Public page for instructions on how to submit your work!
Thanks again for visiting,