Alexandra Pacheco4 days ago3 min readWhy I Chose To Get A Tattoo Over My Self-Harm ScarsHey there, and welcome to Life, Unfiltered. Today’s post is going to be a little different. I normally try to write lighthearted...
Alexandra PachecoFeb 283 min readFigure Skating As An Adult BeginnerHey there and welcome to The Adulting Journals! Today we’re on Life, Unfiltered and I’m going to get into my experiences as an adult...
Alexandra PachecoFeb 123 min readOn GriefHey there. I don’t really know what to write about this week. I’ve been having a hard time, just life things piling up and slowly falling...
Alexandra PachecoFeb 113 min readHow Revisiting A Childhood Book Series Has Reframed My Perspective On AdulthoodHey there! Welcome to Life, Unfiltered, where I ramble on about the random thoughts that come to mind and also expand on who I am. Since...
Alexandra PachecoFeb 102 min readUpcoming Blog Page: Alexandra ReadsHey there! Welcome to In The Making, where I tell you guys about my current projects, goals, and aspirations. To get right into the nitty...
Alexandra PachecoFeb 74 min readThe Struggle Is Real: How I Chose A Career As A Young AdultHey there, and welcome to my first post of a personal favorite category, Growing Pains, where I tell you all about the struggles I've...
Alexandra PachecoFeb 52 min readWelcome to The Adulting Journals!Hey there, and thanks for stopping by! I'm Alexandra, founder of The Adulting Journals. I'm 18 years old, and am on my way to completing...